Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What I have learn....

       Even when I don't like to admit it...I'm a little bit shy, during this course I felt a little change in me. Now, I can talk more openly with people and more important, in front of people.
       Also, and I feel happy with this, I think that I improved my knowledge about this language.  I'm really excited about english, I really want to prove for an scolarship and I will do my best to do it!
     FInally I want to share my new and recently acquired skill: cartooning!. As many people know I love the arts, specially drawing, I'm not as good as I will like to be, but I'm trying. Well, what I mean is that I didn't know that I can draw cartoons, but I can! and I love it....so I will keep practicing my skills....and I hope to be even better next year.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Healthy life=happiness

     Sometimes when we hear about eating healthy we inmediatly think about boring food....like vegetables, I think they are delcious but a lot of people see them as....boring food or...green disgusting food. That's false, vegetables can be fun and delicious if we know how to eat them.
     First of all, you must choose the ones that you consider attractive then you can boil them. Believe me, it'll taste awesome.So....it is still boring right?, what about add some protein? YUMMY....well when you are eating a protein you shouldn't mix it with carbohydrates(rice for example), because our organism will work harder to process all that and we don't want that.So try it with the perfect vegetables that you cooked before.
    Now....think about water, a lot of people don't drink water becase it doesn't have flavor ...Water is really refreshing. Make an experiment: workout till you sweat lots....then take a drink of juice then wait 10 minutes after that drink water; water will refresh you a thousand times more than the juice. But, water has amazing properties: it will help you loose weight!!! also to control your temperature, gives you eneryg and a lot of other magnific benefits.
  Finally, have a happy and stress-free life! Don't worry about thigs that you can't change and worry about the great things that you can do to be better.
   Take care of yourself and enjoy the life!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012



Culture is like the identity of a country or a group of people. There are many different cultures, each represents who the countries are.
  Culture helps us to live in our societies, to relate with others and discover who they are or what they represent.
 We all build a bound with our culture all along our lives...we belong to it.

How do you expect to improve your english?

I would like to improve my vocabulary. I want to travel mainly to England <3 or Ireland and I want to be able to make casual conversation, I want to talk more fluently. I hope to achieve this in the english course ;)